Assalamualaikum, semuaa..
Selamat Tahun Baru 2011
wahh,mcm meriah je masing2 smbut tahun baru ni.. All my friends at FB, Twitter and Blogger as well..all of them are celebrating this New Year happily.
Alhamdulillah, good for you guys.. Not to say that I'm not happy on this New Year but it is just not too excited & planning more on new semester ahead.
Besides, quite nervous to face it & so sad to leave 'kampung'
for sure I will miss my Mum & Dad and my Aiman & Anieq..
as an eldest sister @ 'Akak' for them, this holiday meant a lots for me. Actually not just this holiday, every holiday.. Take care of them, playing with them, cook for them, scold them..always (i am fierce sister..haha), having fun together, eat together, watching together, sleep together (four of us always sleep together in front of TV..get sleepy together after watching TV).
I love being the eldest sister for them.. Even, sometimes, they always make me angry but I take that as 'this is our time,live it & enjoy it'.
Aiman & Anieq, tunggu Akak & Kak Mira balik masa Ucu kawen nnti ye..
for my Mum, of coz Akak will miss your cook.. Misses how we get along together preparing dishes for lunch or dinner. I miss you mad at me too..
saayangg Mak,mmmuaahh mmuuahhh mmmuuuahhh
for my Dad, thanks for always prepared breakfast for Akak, Mira, Aiman & Anieq when Mum went to work.. sayannggg Abah.
Sepanjang cuti ni jugak, perkara yg bnyak kali aku buat ialah...Mandi Hujan. how about you guys?? Suka mandi hujan x??hehe
di Terengganu ni Musim Hujan so boleh dikatakan tiap2 hari mandi hujan, suka refreshing. Ohya..for my dear Asyraf, thanks for your concern. See you at Malacca dear.. My sis,Mira will take her bus to Malacca tomorrow morning & I will take my bus to Malacca tomorrow night.. and we will meet again at Malacca next week for special plan of us,hehe.. Will see..
Di saat kita semua happy & excited menjalani tahun baru bersama family & kawan2.. Ada insan yang bersedih di atas pemergian insan tersayang. Takziah diucapkan kpd keluarga Arwah Faizal Yusup (pelakon,ex-hubby kpd Nana). Beliau meninggal akibat serangan jantung pagi tadi. Sama2lah kita sedekahkah Al-Fatihah kpd arwah semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmatNya. Amin..
Ucapan Tahniah pula kpd2 para2 ibu yang melahirkan cahaya mata mereka padi tarikh yang Sangat Cun 1.1.11. If I'm not mistaken, 8 babies were born on that date at Hospital Kuala Lumpur.. (dgr2 ayam kt Buletin Utama td smbil on9,hikhik). Tarikh2 yang cun mcm ni selalu la mcm2 org yg buat utk jadikan ia sebagai kenangan dlm hidup masing2..yelaa..tarikh cantik2 mcm ni bukan selalu datang. Untuk diri aku plak, tarikh ni adalah hari aku bergembira bersama keluarga sepanjang hari sebelum aku pulang ke Melaka dgn Mira. Hope the same with you guys!! Whatever you do, Wherever you are, Be Happy Always & Be Grateful to Him for this wonderful life. Amin..
part jage adik n makan same2 main same2 tdo same2 tuu mcm serupa je ngan aan...hahaa...
ReplyDeleteaan pun jg adik gak...mmg annoying ahh kan...yelaa budak btul laa ape yg kak ain ckp
this is our time,live it & enjoy it
yup...dlm marah ada sayang..
ReplyDeletenama pun kakak, mana bleh x garang...hahaha